Destination Wedding videographers

Destination wedding films for couples who feel deeply and celebrate loudly

Destination wedding videographer Rick Pendergraft
Destination wedding videographer Sarah Pendergraft
The filmmakers

Sarah & Rick

From the colorful landscapes of Mexico to a French countryside chateau, from the iconic Sydney Harbour to the beaches of Hawaii, Sarah and Rick Pendergraft have traveled the world capturing spectacular destination weddings.

They don't just document weddings; they dive headfirst into the love stories, tribes, and unforgettable journeys.

From the tiniest, tear-inducing details to the grand, heart-swelling moments, they’re all about capturing every beat of the story. Think of them as personal historians, dedicated to weaving each tale into a captivating film.

weddings featured by


Narrative films steeped in


and heart.

Wedding videographer training

For Filmmakers

Leveraging over a decade and a half of storytelling in wedding videography, Sarah and Rick Pendergraft share their insights through dedicated mentoring sessions. Offering both hourly and daily consultations alongside in-depth film critiques, they are committed to nurturing the next generation of wedding filmmakers.

Drawing from their own transformative experiences with conferences, Sarah and Rick also founded the Wedding Film Retreat. Their intimate workshop is designed to inspire, refine, and unleash the creative potential within each participant.